Traditional Postpartum Healing with Andrea Yoloteotl Chalchihuitl

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Traditional Postpartum Healing with Andrea Yoloteotl Chalchihuitl


You will receive a recording of the live session that took place April 23rd 10- 11:30 am (MT)

My name is Andrea Yoloteotl Chalchihuitl, I am a member and part of the main smudgers” Popocihuatl/sahumadoras del grupo Tlahuitzcali Aztec dance group from Boulder, CO; former participant from the Moon Dance Huitzilmeztli and Xochilmeztli and concluded 7 years of dance and participated for about 16 years ago; leader of the women’s group from Boulder, CO and in alliance with the existing women’s groups in the Denver metro area; representative of people of color in several committees within the City of Boulder government; and have been an Aztec Dancer for 20 years and started in Mexico City with grupo Yaoxichitl, but have resided in USA for about a decade.

A little about me, is that I have given the opportunity to lead women support groups based in my cultural, and Spiritual Indigenous ways by mentoring and guiding them towards specific ceremonies and rituals one of them is the Post Partum Care Practice, which I learned from healers ( curanderas) in Morelos, Mexico.

In this session we will be learning more about the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental importance of post-partum care from a decolonized and Indigenous view. Western medicine has disregarded the importance that post-partum care plays in a women's health, and currently we see many illnesses and depress syndromes that exist in women; and often times this are correlated to the lack of the post- partum care.

All proceeds will go to CRMC’s Midwifery Service Fund to directly fund midwifery care for our community.

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